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Conventions and Projects

Hi everyone! I hope the new year is treating you well. I've been hard at work on various projects for some upcoming conventions. As you can see from my image here, I'm still working on my RPG Equip! series. I have recently finished the Ranger and am very pleased with how it came out. I had wanted a warm colored back ground and thought that it might have ended up being red, but instead I ended up with a very rich autumn orange and I couldn't be happier!

It will be one of my new mini prints at my first convention of the season, Colorado Animefest March 23 - 25, 2018 at the Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel in Denver. I will also be attending DINK April 14 - 15, 2018 at the McNichols Civic Center Building in Denver as well as Denver Comic Con June 15 - 17 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. I'm thrilled to be able to have three very solid cons on my docket this year and am looking forward to tabling at each! I will also be debuting my first Brews and Bruises book collection at DINK. It takes all the current Brews and Bruises stories, plus a new mini comic, and puts them into a handsome book. I can't wait to share it and look forward to getting my order in early April. I will also be working on new RPG Equip! item sets as well as my Dragon Terrarium series. I hope to have two collections of six designs each done in time for Denver Comic Con and if things go well, then maybe even three! Speaking of which, I should probably get to work on the Sorcerer since it is all ready to go for painting, so off I go!

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